Voice Of Desert 11 years ago comments

“He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things. (Rom 8:32).

Because of Jesus, we will have all that we need all things for now and eternity. Through the death of Jesus on the Cross, all the blessing described in the book of Romans Chapter:  8 is freely given to us. This package includes the blessings for the life now and through eternity. In Psalms : 78:13-15, 22, 24-29 – We read that God included total package of salvation/ deliverance from Egypt through the blood of the Passover lamb till they reach Canaan. Water for the rock, daily manna and meat, making a high way by dividing the Red Sea. Complete victory over all their enemies etc. are already included in their salvation package, Psalmist says Israelites did not trust in His Salvation and they rebelled.  The following are some of the blessings included in the salvation package we receive through Jesus Christ

 Romans Chapter 8.

  • Rom 8: 1, No condemnation for those who are in Christ.

  • Vs.11 resurrection of our mortal body

  • Vs. 15, we received Spirit of Sonship.

  • Vs. 17, we are Children, heirs of God

  • Vs. 23, Redemption of our body

  • Vs. 29, He predestined us to become conformed to the image of His Son

  • Vs. 37, we are more than conquerors.


Let’s look the details of the one of the blessings from the salvation package,


The Spirit of son ship or  the HOLY SPIRIT


We have been found worthy to receive the Holy Spirit only because of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The precious sinless blood of Jesus shed for us on the cross cleansed us and sanctified us from all sins and unrighteousness. This is also clear to us from  John Chapter 7 verses 37 to 39.In the Last day, which is the great feast, Jesus offered to the unsatisfied crowd, If any man thirst, let him come to me and drink . He that believes on me out of his belly , the rivers of living water will flow.  In verse 39, we understand that Jesus spoke of the Holy Spirit which they who believe in Him should receive. The Holy Spirit was not yet given as Jesus was not yet glorified. We understand that Jesus was risen from the dead and was glorified. As He promised, He asked of the Father and sent the Holy Spirit, up on the Hundred and twenty who were anxiously waiting. From that day Holy Spirit made His official residence on earth, especially in the believers life or in the  Church.


In John 14:16, Jesus said I will give you another helper that He may be with you forever. Helper also means – Advocate, Companion Councilor. He is the Spirit of truth. John 14: 23, Jesus said, if a man love me and obey my word, my father will love him and we will come to him and abode with him (live with him / in him). The Triune God will make their residence in the believer’s heart.


John 14:26, He will teach you all things. If you have any doubt or do not understand any subject, remember, Holy Spirit is the right Teacher.  Tell Him all your doubts. Ask Him to teach you what you do not understand. He will sit next to you and explain you everything as a teacher. John 14:26, He will bring to your remembrance all that I said to you. Gospel writers express this truth after a period of 30 to 60 years they narrate all incidents as if just happened or eye witnessed. This is absolutely by the Holy Spirit, who brought everything to their memory.


Johns Gospel was written AD: 90-95, Mathew – AD: 58-68, Mark – AD: 55, Luke – AD: 60Holy Spirit gave them memory to write every details of the events exactly as it had happened. In John’s Gospel we could learn various works of the Holy Spirit.


John 16:13, Guide to all truth.

John 16: 8, He will convict the world.

John 16:13, He will guide you into all the truth.

John 16:14, He will glorify me. This is one of the most important function of the Holy Spirit.


It is not the amount of noise or shouts it will produce, whether it will glorify Jesus or not?. We should take time to lift up Jesus, Wherever Jesus is lifted up, Holy Spirit will say that is what I like to hear. He will come down. It is worth to know what the Holy Spirit likes and meet his requirements. We read the a beautiful type of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament in Genesis :Chapter 24. 


Abraham sent Eliaser to take a bride for his son Isaac. He was sent with 10 Camels  carrying gifts. Make friendship with Him. It is wonderful that 10 Camels full of gifts awaiting for those who accept the invitation to be his master bride.


-   Abraham – is a type of father God.

-    Isaac – only Son – type of only begotten Son – Jesus

-    Rebecca – Chosen bride

-    The Servant : Eliaser : Holy Spirit

One Camel can drink 40 gallons water. Even 10 gallons per Camel, she would have fetched at least 400 gallons water. She passed the test of extra mile as the servant prayed. Laban asked Rebecca. Will you go with this man? She said Yes! Less than 24 hours knowledge only about this man, but she took a bold decision to go with Him, a man never saw before. God’s protection and guidance was enjoyed throughout their journey and finally reached the awaiting Bridegroom. We learn more about Jesus from Holy Spirit.


We are living in the dispensation of the Holy Spirit. The latter rain began to fall in AD 1900 in Charles Parham's Bible School at Kansas City in Topeka, USA and spread Worldwide Like a fire.


Holy Spirit is our Companion or our Senior partner. We will understand this from early Church. Acts – 15:28, In the first Church Council's decision, “for it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things.”

What seemed good to the Holy Spirit , also seemed good to us.


It is amazing to note that Jesus mentioned the pronoun He, whenever spoke about the Holy Spirit, which means Holy Spirit is a person, not just power. He is the triune God .

Act – 16:6-7, They were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the word in Asia. They tried to go to Bithinya, the Spirit did not permit them. Holy Spirit gave him a vision of Macedonia. Holy Spirit was leading Paul throughout his missionary journey.

Ask the Holy Spirit, Dear Holy Spirit, I want to know the truth, reveal your plan to me. Let’s go together to take further step. I cannot preach without you. I cannot do these without you. Look at things as the Holy Spirit sees them. You can look at and face life’s problem at a different perspective.


2 Corinthians- 13:14, In the benediction to Corinthians, Paul blesses the Corinthians with  Communion of the Holy Spirit, a believer should enjoy the fellowship with Him.

John 16:17, “It is to your advantage that I go away.” It would be better off with me in Heaven and Spirit will take my place on earth.


It was the plan of God to send Holy Spirit to Equip and prepare the Church to meet the Lord at His Second Coming. Whatever you need in this earthly Journey, Holy Spirit will provide.


The child of God is privileged to have close Communion with the Holy Spirit. Seek his guidance in all the walk of your life. He is the perfect Guide. He will lead you to truth only. Make friendship with him. When you drive a Car, ask him to sit with you in your driving seat. When you areattempting to do somedifficult task, ask His help. In every step of your life he is a perfect companion. He will prepare you and take you safely to the ultimate destination thatis  eternity.  Enjoy the closest fellowship of the Holy Spirit as your perfect companion as designed for you by God the Father through the Lord Jesus Christ.

Voice of Desert — Editor

Voice of Desert



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