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 Devotion-3: “The Lord Is Good Unto Them That Wait For Him” By Soji Samson, Doha

Devotion-3: “The Lord Is Good Unto Them That Wait For Him” By Soji Samson, Doha

Voice of Desert 9 years ago

Kneeling Christian is a powerful Christian and no decree can touch his life.

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Devotion-2 “Jehovah Jireh”( Genesis 22:14) By Soji Samson, Doha

Devotion-2 “Jehovah Jireh”( Genesis 22:14) By Soji Samson, Doha

Voice of Desert 9 years ago

. “God has greater things in store for us, but unless our great things are given away, we can't receive our greater things. Give big and you'll receive bigger!”

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Devotion-1 By Soji Samson, Doha

Devotion-1 By Soji Samson, Doha

Voice of Desert 9 years ago

“Little faith will bring your souls to heaven, but great faith will bring heaven to your souls”.Charls H. Spurgeon.

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Your Weakness Is God’s Strengths By Nita Joseph, California

Your Weakness Is God’s Strengths By Nita Joseph, California

Voice of Desert 9 years ago

If we focus only on our weaknesses and our incapacity to do the things we ought to do, we will be caught up in a web of depression

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What is the most common ministry priority neglected by pastors?-By  Brian Croft

What is the most common ministry priority neglected by pastors?-By Brian Croft

Voice of Desert 9 years ago

Pray with your people. Set time aside in a quiet place and cry out to God for your people.

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